ASSEMBLY, No. 2266






      Assembly Bill No. 2266 of 1996 creates a 19-member Commission on the Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Male Group in, but not of, the Department of Law and Public Safety. This bill directs the commission to identify problems particular to Black and Latino males, particularly in the areas of employment, criminal justice, education and health and for advancing recommendations to address these problems. Commission members would serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for expenses.

      The commission would conduct research to determine the nature and extent of the problems facing Black and Latino males; identify existing federal, State and local programs that currently address those problems; and develop and implement programs to address them. The bill also requires the commission to annually report to the Governor and the Legislature of its activities, findings and recommendations.

      The Department of Law and Public Safety informally estimates the cost of implementing this bill at $98,000 during the first year following enactment. This amount includes $67,000 for the salary and fringe benefits of one executive secretary and one secretarial assistant, $4,000 for materials and supplies, $3,000 for data processing, $10,000 for travel, telephone and postage, $10,000 for maintenance and fixed charges, and $4,000 for the one-time purchase of equipment. After deducting one-time costs and assuming an inflation rate of about eight percent for salaries and operational expenses, the department estimates second and third year costs at $102,000 and $112,000, respectively.

      The Office of Legislative Services concurs.


This fiscal estimate has been prepared pursuant to P.L.1980, c.67.