By Assemblywomen WEINBERG, HECK, Buono and



An Assembly Resolution memorializing Congress to enact legislation establishing a uniform standard that would require all health benefits plans to provide coverage for a minimum of 48 hours of in-patient care following a vaginal delivery and a minimum of 96 hours of in-patient care following a cesarean section for a mother and her newly born child in a health care facility if such in-patient care is deemed medically necessary by the attending physician or is requested by the mother.


Whereas, currently there is no uniform standard with respect to health benefits coverage for in-patient care for a mother and her newly born child; and

Whereas, many health benefits plans have reduced health benefits coverage to 24 hours or less of in-patient care following a vaginal delivery and 48 hours or less of in-patient care following a cesarean section for a mother and her newly born child in a health care facility; and

Whereas, many doctors, nurses and mothers contend that the reduced coverage, in many cases, does not provide sufficient time to perform necessary tests or to discover potential health problems in newborns and their mothers and may therefore endanger their lives; and

Whereas, many types of health benefits plans such as self-funded plans, which are regulated by federal law, and other plans regulated by federal law, including Medicaid, Medicare and CHAMPUS (Civilian Hospital and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services), are exempt from the recently enacted State legislation which requires health insurers to provide coverage for a minimum of 48 hours of in-patient care following a vaginal delivery and a minimum of 96 hours of in-patient care following a cesarean section for a mother and her newly born child in a health care facility if deemed medically necessary by the attending physician or requested by the mother; and

Whereas, policies, contracts and plans that are issued by out-of-State insurers or by out-of-State trusts or associations are also exempt from State regulation; and

Whereas, the passage of federal legislation is necessary to correct existing inequities in coverages and to ensure that all health benefits plans provide coverage for a minimum of 48 hours of in-patient care following a vaginal delivery and a minimum of 96 hours of in-patient care following a cesarean section for a mother and her newly born child in a health care facility if such in-patient care is deemed medically necessary by the attending physician or is requested by the mother; now, therefore,


    Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


    1. The Congress of the United States is respectfully memorialized to enact legislation establishing a uniform standard that would require all health benefits plans to provide a minimum of 48 hours of in-patient care following a vaginal delivery and a minimum of 96 hours of in-patient care following a cesarean section for a mother and her newly born child in a health care facility if such in-patient care is deemed medically necessary by the attending physician or is requested by the mother.


    2. Duly authenticated copies of this resolution shall be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and every member of Congress from this State.


    3. This resolution shall take effect immediately.





    This resolution memorializes Congress to enact legislation establishing a uniform standard that would require all health benefits plans to provide a minimum of 48 hours in-patient care following a vaginal delivery and 96 hours of in-patient care following a cesarean section for a mother and her newly born child in a health care facility if such in-patient care is deemed medically necessary by the attending physician or is requested by the mother.





Memorializes Congress to establish uniform standard of in-patient care for for mother and newly born child.