By Assemblywomen HECK and VANDERVALK



An Assembly Resolution memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to support legislation that provides funding for research on breast cancer in New Jersey.


Whereas, The American Cancer Society estimates there will be 6,400 new cases of breast cancer in New Jersey in 1997, with an estimated 1,800 deaths; and

Whereas, New Jersey has the second highest breast cancer mortality rate in the United States and has an overall incidence rate of breast cancer that is 11.2% higher that the national rate; and

Whereas, Scientists have recently begun studying the link between environmental factors and breast cancer and such research would be greatly beneficial to New Jersey as New Jersey has the nation’s highest number of federally designated Superfund hazardous waste sites, making New Jersey residents more likely to be exposed to toxic chemicals; and

Whereas, Despite the high incidence of breast cancer in New Jersey, federal research money for breast cancer research in the State has been disproportionately low, as per capita federal funds for breast cancer research in New Jersey amounts to $0.15, compared to $1.11 in New York and $1.55 in Pennsylvania; and

Whereas, Legislation sponsored by Senator Torricelli and Congressman Frelinghuysen, and supported by members of the New Jersey delegation including Congresswoman Roukema who has long been an advocate of funding for cancer research, has been introduced in Congress to provide $10.5 million for research into the causes of high breast cancer rates in New Jersey, including research into environmental factors and genetic susceptibilities related to the incidence of breast cancer in New Jersey; now, therefore,


    Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


    1. The President and the Congress of the United States are respectfully memorialized to support legislation sponsored by Senator Torricelli and Congressman Frelinghuysen, as well as other supplemental legislation, that provides funding for research into the causes of high breast cancer rates in New Jersey.


    2. Duly authenticated copies of this resolution, signed by the Speaker of the General Assembly and attested by the Clerk thereof, shall be transmitted to the President of the United States and every member of Congress elected from this State.





    This resolution memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to support legislation sponsored by Senator Torricelli and Congressman Frelinghuysen and other supplemental legislation that provides funding for research into the causes of high breast cancer rates in New Jersey.

    New Jersey has the second highest breast cancer mortality rate in the nation and an overall incidence rate of breast cancer that is 11.2% higher that the national rate. Funding for breast cancer research is also disproportionately low in New Jersey compared to neighboring states. In addition, New Jersey has the highest number of federally designated toxic waste sites in the nation. This federal legislation would provide $10.5 million for research into the causes of New Jersey’s high breast cancer rates, including research on the connection between environmental factors and genetic susceptibilities and the incidence of breast cancer in the State.





Memorializes President and Congress to support legislation providing funding for research on breast cancer in the New Jersey.