SENATE, No. 948



      Senate Bill No.948 of 1996 creates a 33-member New Jersey Human Relations Council, based upon the recommendations contained in the Report of the Commission on Racism, Racial Violence and Religious Violence. This bill directs the council to address the problem of bias and violent acts based on the victim's race, color, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or disability. The bill would be a permanent, independent body in, but not of, the Department of Law and Public Safety.

      The council would perform planning and coordinating functions, including developing proposals for the State to combat bias crimes. The bill directs the council to develop, in conjunction with law enforcement agencies, including the Office of Bias Crimes and Community Relations in the Division of Criminal Justice, educational diversity training for law enforcement personnel. The bill also requires the council to offer assistance and training to county and local human relations commissions and assist the Office of Bias Crimes and Community Relations in its efforts to foster better community relations throughout the State. The bill further requires the council to issue a biennial report to the Governor and the Legislature on the status of bias and violence based upon race, color, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or disability. The bill directs the Division of Criminal Justice in the Department of Law and Public Safety to assist the council.

      The Department of Law and Public Safety informally estimates the cost of implementing this bill at $128,900 during the first year following enactment. This amount includes $72,300 for the salary and fringe benefits of one program development specialist and one principal clerk typist, $2,300 for materials and supplies, $1,800 for computer software program, $4,300 for travel, telephone and postage, $40,000 for professional consulting and educational services, and $8,200 for the one-time purchase of equipment. After deducting one-time costs and assuming a four percent rate of inflation for salaries and operational expenses, the department estimates second and third year costs at $121,900 and $126,800, respectively.

      The Office of Legislative Services (OLS) generally concurs with this estimate but notes that the projected $40,000 annual expenditure for consulting services could be substantially reduced if the council taps the expertise of State and local agencies and educational institutions which have been productively working to prevent and combat bias crimes.


This fiscal estimate has been prepared pursuant to P.L.1980, c.67.