By Senators SINGER and BASSANO



A Joint Resolution memorializing the United States Congress to oppose any decision to reduce the number of Army National Guard personnel.


Whereas, The Army National Guard fulfills a vital national defense role and is an indispensable element in each state's ability to respond to emergencies; and

Whereas, The Army National Guard provides a trained and capable military force that is able to offer reinforcement in time of call or mobilization; and

Whereas, The federal mission of the Army National Guard is to     maintain properly trained and equipped units available for prompt     deployment for war, national emergency or as otherwise needed;     and

Whereas, The Army National Guard's state mission is to provide     trained and disciplined forces for domestic emergencies including     storms, floods, earthquakes, airliner crashes, civil disturbances,     terrorist attacks or as otherwise required by state laws; and

Whereas, The federal government determines the number of authorized National Guard personnel and the unit mix available across the country; and

Whereas, Recommendations regarding the reduction of Army National Guard personnel may have a substantial negative impact on the State of New Jersey and the State's ability to respond to natural disasters, civil disorders, emergencies and internal responsibilities; and

Whereas, Recommendations regarding the reduction of Army National Guard personnel are not cost-beneficial because citizen-soldiers and units are up to five times less costly to train and maintain than their active counterparts; now, therefore,


    Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


    1. The Governor and Legislature of the State of New Jersey recognize the National Guard as the most significant military force available to the State and hereby reaffirm the State's fullest support to ensure the viability and relevance of our National Heritage and preserve a National Treasure; the "citizen-soldier," "the militia," our National Guard.


    2. The Governor and Legislature of the State of New Jersey call upon the United States Congress to oppose any attempt to downsize or otherwise reduce the number of Army National Guard personnel.


    3.    Duly authenticated copies of this joint resolution shall be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and every member of Congress elected from the State of New Jersey.


    4. This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.





    This joint resolution memorializes Congress to oppose any decision to reduce the number of personnel allotted to the Army National Guard. Such opposition is needed because a proposed 10% reduction in forces may substantially interfere with the National Guard's ability to respond to natural disasters, civil disorders, emergencies and internal responsibilities in the State of New Jersey.





Memorializes Congress to oppose any decision to reduce the number of Army National Guard personnel.