[First Reprint]








By Senator O'CONNOR



A Senate Resolution urging the President and Congress of the United States to support the admission of the Republic of Poland to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.


Whereas, The Republic of Poland is a free, democratic and independent nation with a long and proud history; and

Whereas, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is dedicated to the preservation of the freedom and security of its member nations; and

Whereas, The Republic of Poland desires to share in both the benefits and obligations of NATO in pursuing the development, growth and promotion of democratic institutions and ensuring free market economic development; and

Whereas, Poland recognizes its responsibilities as a democratic nation and wishes to exercise such responsibilities in concert with members of NATO; and

Whereas, The Republic of Poland desires to become part of NATO’s efforts to prevent the extremes of nationalism; and

Whereas, The security of the United States is dependent upon the stability of Central Europe; now, therefore,


    Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:


    1. This House respectfully urges the President of the United States and the Congress of the United States to support the Republic of Poland’s petition for admission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and to support the establishment during 1[1996] 19971 of a timetable for such admission.


    2. Duly authenticated copies of this resolution, signed by the President of the Senate shall be transmitted to the President of the United States, the Presiding Officer of both branches of the United States Congress, the Members thereof from the State of New Jersey and Marek Lesniewski-Laas, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland.



Urges President and Congress of the United States to support Poland’s application for admission to NATO.