By Senator ZANE



A Senate Resolution memorializing Congress to prevent the placement and funding of United States armed forces under the command of the United Nations.


Whereas, The American people have traditionally opposed the subordination of the sovereignty of the United States to that of another nation or international organization; and

Whereas, In recent years there has been a disturbing trend in which units of the armed forces of the United States have been deployed under the command of other nations or international organizations; and

Whereas, During the recent peacekeeping mission in Somalia, in which 4,000 United States troops were placed under a United Nations-led operation under the command of Lieutenant General Cevik Bir of Turkey, the deployment of these peacekeeping troops was subject to a dramatic change in deployment objectives by the United Nations Security Council that subsequently resulted in a change by Congress and the President in the role of United States troop deployment in Somalia after loss of American troops; and

Whereas, Because of the volatile political situation in several parts of the world, the United States is in danger of being drawn into conflicts as a member of an international coalition or peacekeeping force; and

Whereas, Under any future peacekeeping or humanitarian missions under the auspices of the United Nations, United States combat forces should remain under the command and control of United States military commanders and under the ultimate direction of the President of the United States as commander in chief; and

Whereas, It is imperative that Congress prevent any future transfer of United States armed forces under the command of the United Nations; and

Whereas, It is imperative that the Congress deny any future funding for operations involving United States armed forces under United Nations command; now, therefore,


    Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:

    1.    This House memorializes Congress to prevent the transfer of United States armed forces under the command of the United Nations.


    2.    This House calls upon the members of Congress to refrain from funding operations involving United States armed forces under the command of the United Nations.


    3.    A duly authenticated copy of this resolution, signed by the President of the Senate and attested by the Secretary thereof, shall be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and every member of Congress elected from this State.





    This resolution memorializes Congress to prevent the transfer of United States armed forces under the command of the United Nations. This resolution also memorializes Congress to deny funding for operations in which United States armed forces are placed under United Nations command.




Memorializes Congress to prevent the placement of U.S. armed forces under UN command; memorializes Congress to deny funding for operations involving U.S. armed forces under UN command.