A Senate Resolution memorializing the Congress of the United States and the Whitewater Independent Counsel to investigate and publicly report on certain unanswered questions concerning the death of former White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster, Jr.


Whereas, Important unanswered questions remain about the death of former White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster, Jr.; and

Whereas, These questions include the failure to pursue eyewitness accounts of a man seen sitting in Foster's car and another standing beside it, with the car's hood up, an hour before Foster's body was found; and of a man behaving suspiciously, in a manner consistent with that of a lookout, in the vicinity of Foster's parked car about two hours before his body was found, even though the witness was able to give a description of the man; and

Whereas, While the police concluded that Foster shot himself in the mouth, there is no evidence that the shot was fired where the body was found, for three searches failed to turn up a bullet and found no bone fragments from the exit wound in the skull, no blood spatter on the surrounding vegetation, and very little blood on the ground; and

Whereas, These matters deserve to receive serious consideration and airing before any final, definitive conclusions are put forth regarding Mr. Foster's death; now, therefore,


      Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:


      1. This House memorializes the Congress of the United States and the Whitewater Independent Counsel to investigate and publicly report on the unanswered questions noted in the preamble concerning the death of former White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster, Jr.


      2. Duly authenticated copies of this resolution, signed by the President of the Senate and attested by the Secretary thereof, shall be transmitted to the presiding officers of the United States Senate and House of Representatives; Senator Alfonse D'Amato, Chairman of the Senate Whitewater Committee; Kenneth Starr, Whitewater Independent Counsel; and every member of Congress from this State.



      This Senate resolution memorializes the Congress of the United State and the Whitewater Independent Counsel to investigate and publicly report on certain unanswered questions concerning the death of former White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster, Jr.




Memorializes Congress and Whitewater Independent Counsel to investigate and publicly report on certain unanswered questions concerning the death of former White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster, Jr.